

Jun 02, 2023

OIA students design commemorative Christmas ornaments for Puzzle Pieces; McCarty's model chosen as winner

A handful of students at Owensboro Innovation Academy have designed a commemorative Christmas ornament for Puzzle Pieces, combining learning with community outreach. The ornament was part of a project for Stephanie Gray's Introduction to Engineering classes, which is made up mostly of freshmen.

Students were responsible for everything from concept to design to creation of the ornament. The project began in October, when each student came up with two concepts. Students then created a survey, asking other students and staff at OIA which design they were more likely to buy.

After narrowing to one concept, each student used a CAD modeling program to design the ornament, printed it using technology in their class, and developed a proposal describing their final product.

Each of those final designs was presented to Puzzle Pieces Executive Director Amanda Owen, who consulted her staff and ultimately chose the winning design: a wooden ornament created by OIA freshman Serenity "Rennie" McCarty.

"I tried to make it mean something," McCarty said of her winning ornament.

Owen said that narrowing to one ornament was difficult and even pulled in her own sons to help pick the winner.

"It is incredible to not only see young students doing such innovative class projects, but also understanding the importance of supporting a cause and their community," Owen said. "What Owensboro Innovation Academy is doing for its students is truly inspiring. I am confident they are raising our next leaders."

According to Gray, this project has allowed her students to use their creative skills using a new medium, CAD modeling.

"While learning these skills, they were able to work on a real project for a real client," Gray said. "Through the seemingly mundane tasks associated with learning, students were able to see that their work was valuable. They felt a sense of pride because they were part of helping Puzzle Pieces and its clients celebrate their 10th anniversary. The fact that they could use their talents in this way hopefully will inspire them to continue to seek to do this throughout their lives in different capacities."

Gray said teachers at OIA always try to connect projects with a community partner, but that isn't always possible.

"When we are able to do that, it is always much more valuable," she said.

The community can get McCarty's winning ornament with a $10 donation. To reserve an ornament, Puzzle Pieces asks those interested to fill out an order form. All ornaments must be picked up by Dec. 16 at Puzzle Pieces, which is located at 2401 New Hartford Road.