

May 22, 2023

Wooden Elementary fourth graders travel to Austin and San Antonio

RED OAK – Fourth-graders from Red Oak ISD's Wooden Elementary traveled to Austin and San Antonio on an Education in Action Discover Texas Field Trip, on April 11, to experience what they are learning in Texas history. Students visited the Texas State Capitol and The Alamo.

During the charter bus ride to Austin, students discussed why Texans are so proud of their unique heritage and participated in activities and games in preparation for their day. In Austin, the students visited the Texas State Capitol where their legislators, state Sen. Brian Birdwell, District 22, and state Rep. Brian Harrison, District 10, office. Students saw first-hand where Texas laws are made as they toured the Capitol including the Senate and House chambers with a focus on the legislative process, leadership, and Texas leaders, past and present. Students then traveled to San Antonio where they toured the Alamo, one of the most famous missions in the United States, and learned about the Battle of the Alamo's role in the Texas Revolution.

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